I bet you're surprised to get a letter from Santa, aren't you? Well the Elves told me you were worried I wouldn't know where to find you because you moved this year. Don't worry another minute
#fname, because Santa knows exactly where you live! There's no way we would forget someone who is so kind and helps others like you do. You
#nick, make your
#relationship, #makersname very proud, and Santa is pleased too. That's why, when I was checking my list, I checked it once, then twice again to be sure that we had
#address, #town as your new home address. Rudolph says he knows the way!
Want to hear a secret
#nick? Just between you and Santa? Because you've been such a good kid this year, and been so understanding about moving, the Elves put a gold star beside your name! Do you know what a gold star means? It means I'm working on an extra special
#wishlist just for you! Only a few kids in the whole wide world ever get a gold star; so that makes you,
#fname, extra, extra special!
HO HO HO! It's almost Christmas! I'll be there soon!